Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Gift of Electricity

I received a neat gift yesterday. A solar charger for phones and small devices. It is a very simple solar unit that collects electricity from the sun and stores it in an internal battery to be used later to charge devices like phones and mp3 players and cameras. It came up in conversation that I would have to conserve battery with at least my phone while out on the road. My camera and mp3 player both last quite a while with just one charge (based on usage) but the phone, if it remains on the whole time will slowly drain battery. As everyone knows it will drain really quickly if used for applications or internet or talking. This solar charger basically makes it so that I can go much further without having to find an outlet to plug my phone into to charge. Of course, I still plan on plugging it in every chance that I get. But while outside I can keep the small solar panel on my backpack or the ground next to me or wherever there is sun for that matter to charge up and then recharge my phone later. It's going to be a very useful tool.