Friday, June 21, 2013

Fort Wayne, Indiana

June 21st, 2013 Fort Wayne, Indiana

I took a trip here before I started my journey across the United States but I decided to include it as the first entry of the blog partially as a test and also because it is unlikely that I will travel there again. It was very warm and very sunny that day. My brimmed hat served me well. I walked all around the downtown area and into a nearby park as well. There was a Greek festival happening that day but I didn't want anything to do with it. It was really more of a money trap than a true celebration of Greek heritage and tradition. 
Me in downtown.
More than anything else I was just happy to be in a place I have never been before. A theme that will likely replay as I hit the road. See how happy I am in the photo above?
Tallest building in downtown Fort Wayne. 
The real reason that I went to Fort Wayne in the first place was because a friend of mine wanted to get a tattoo and after doing her research she determined that the best place to do it was at a place called Black Anvil Tattoo. The tattoo was going on her leg so it was my responsibility to drive all the way back to Urbana, IL. Still a neat trip though.
A view from the top level of a parking garage in downtown Fort Wayne, IN.
We didn't stick around very long after her tattoo was done. I was only in Fort Wayne for about 3 hours. I can now say that I have been in Fort Wayne, Indiana.